Celebrating the final year of a students high school education is an event that only comes around once in a lifetime. Remembering them at this point in life is an important moment to document well.
Who doesn't love getting dressed up to go out and have their images taken with their family...don't answer that. Embrace it and Enjoy it.
Concert photography requires patience and timing, helps to know a song and study the artist performing to know what is coming. Anticipation of a riff or hook and being in the right place always helps to capture that great shot during a performance.
No bigger honor than to be asked to photograph a special moment in a couples life.
A photographic trip around Hawks Ridge Golf Course.
What is the hardest thing about photographing weddings? No do overs! It is imperative to plan well and be flexible with the time you have. I try to have a plan, but I also try to make sure that I understand the couple and try to capture their personality and really just let them be them and make sure I am in the right place to highlight their love for each other. Jonathan and Abby made that task easy, they cannot hide their love for each other and whats more they never will.
Below are a few of my favorites from this warm summers evening wedding in the south.